Jan 22, 2022Liked by Klon Kitchen

Distrust is a dangerous default. One could even argue that trust is what historically separated us from countries such as Russia and China.

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Jan 21, 2022Liked by Klon Kitchen

Thank you for your expertise and courage to speak truth. May you be blessed in your going out and coming in.

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Jan 21, 2022Liked by Klon Kitchen

Putin wants to humiliate the west, regain Mother Russian territory while at the same time demoralize & dismantle the UN. People will fear him as Czar of Russia; or so he wants; with Neuclear pressures.

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WOW! Your last segment "Distrust is our default" really spoke to me. You articulated what I have not been able to articulate, but unfortunately have been observing across all governments and societal changes. Thank you for unapologetically leading with YOUR beliefs and values that are clearly grounded and nurtured by your faith in God. This only increases my interests in your perspectives. KEEP UP THE AMAZING WORK. I am hopeful that there are many more like you in the wings. It there is hope for our country to course correct--I am convinced it will be through the efforts of folks like you.

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God bless you

Courageous truths

honesty in your beliefs

Forthright in your speaking

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